Here Valerie and The Inner Stage staff share their insights on trauma, addiction, recovery, and the healing methods of psychodrama and IFS.
One Year Later

About one year ago today, our everyday routines and lives were completely disrupted. Without much warning, the world ground to a halt. It was the beginning of a very painful […]
Resilience and Reflections
Are you ready to say farewell to 2020? Most, if not all, of us would not hesitate to say yes. At this time of year, we often pause to review […]
Gratitude in Tough Times
It may feel like a struggle to find gratitude when it feels like the world is in disarray. The pandemic, social and political unrest, financial stress, and social isolation are […]
Unresolved Grief
When I came up with my workshop titles at the end of last year, I must have had an intuition that a workshop about grief would be important for 2020. […]
Self-Care in Trying Times
In recovery, there is a saying that you need to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we are experiencing many added stressors […]
When COVID-19 quarantine and self-medicators collide…
Many in recovery believe that addiction is a disease of isolation.* During this extraordinary and unavoidable interruption of life, recovery is even more challenging and requires many different (and new) […]
The New Normal
We’re facing uncharted territory in the wake of a worldwide pandemic, with cities and even entire countries sheltering in place. Some of us have gotten ill and thankfully are recovering […]
Living My Authentic Life
What does it mean to live authentically? Being authentic means coming from a genuine place, especially when our actions and words are consistent with our beliefs and values. Living an […]
Is It Love or Is It Addiction?
Love can be exciting and can make us feel whole, but sometimes we can use love like a drug and cause ourselves and others harm. Love addiction is a type […]
New Visions for 2020
“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals.” – Melody Beattie We’re […]