Resilience and Reflections
Are you ready to say farewell to 2020? Most, if not all, of us would not hesitate to say yes. At this time of year, we often pause to review the year in our minds. This year, we may feel a multitude of emotions when doing so. We have endured uninvited stress from illness or illness anxiety, loss, economic uncertainty, social and political strife, and more. When there is a chronic sense of stress, sometimes it may even be challenging to sit with our more intense emotions.
The meaning of reflection is different for everyone. However you perceive it, finding the courage to mindfully process events can be healing. Pondering personal experiences can also invite a proper grieving process and steer us closer to acceptance. Ultimately, acceptance can allow us to explore the possibilities of the future, with hope for healthier and happier days.
Keep in mind, reflection does not happen overnight. It is a self-care process which can be discovered at your own pace. Amidst the chaos, we have survived this year with great resilience. The word resilience, from the Latin root resilire, means the act of rebounding. Taking time to remind ourselves of what we have have overcome and accomplished in 2020, despite the turmoil, helps us prepare for the new year. We can bounce back and we are stronger than we may think. Together, as we say goodbye to 2020, we can set intentions and cultivate hope for the new year. A vaccine is coming and things are going to turn around at some point. We at The Inner Stage cannot wait to be able to meet with you in person, when it is safe to be together again.
During this challenging time, The Inner Stage is available for your individual and group therapy needs. Please contact Valerie at or (917) 572-8114 or Rebecca at or (646) 470-0638to schedule a virtual session by Zoom or telephone.
Here’s to a healthier and happier new year!
© 2020 Valerie Simon, LCSW, TEP, CET III