Restart Retreats

The 2016 Restart Retreat – Awakening the Authentic Self – is designed to unblock you where you are stuck, provide a safe healing space to let go of old patterns […]
The 2016 Restart Retreat – Awakening the Authentic Self – is designed to unblock you where you are stuck, provide a safe healing space to let go of old patterns […]
The tragic death of Philip Seymour Hoffman yesterday stunned us all.
“Work was never about wanting fame or money. I never thought about that. I loved getting the job, going to rehearsal, playing someone else, hanging around with a bunch of actors. I needed that, the way you need water.”
Sarah Jessica Parker – Sam Magazine, 2005
Caroline Rothstein and Valerie Simon discuss psychodrama and its benefits.
While playing Brenda, the headstrong detective on the hit series The Closer, Emmy and Golden Globe winning actress Kyra Sedgwick discussed the stresses of having played a challenging character for six seasons.
“[Brenda’s] a bundle of contradictions, and she’s dealing with at least ten very intense emotions in every episode…
Many performers struggle with stage fright night after night. It doesn’t matter how famous you are.
During a run at London’s National Theatre, one of the best actors of our time, Sir Lawrence Olivier, apparently had to have the stage manager push him onstage every night.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a client sitting in my office tell me some version of “nothing terrible happened to me in my childhood, my family was fine. No one beat me, I was fed and clothed. I didn’t have any traumas.” Yet in their adult lives, these clients are struggling…
Last week I had the experience of witnessing the intense energy of celebrity first hand. Because of the work I did at the Jazz Foundation of America, I had the privilege of watching Bono up close as he performed for a JFA benefit at the Apollo Theatre in Harlem.
”You can’t heal what you can’t feel.” – Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse
Sharon Wegsheider-Cruse, a pioneer in the recovery movement and founder of Onsite Workshops in Tennessee, is talking about the unpaved, yet ultimately rewarding road of recovery.