Onsite Workshops Couple Intensive
Valerie leads a virtual couple intensive for Onsite Workshops in Cumberland Furnace, TN. For more information visit Onsite.
Valerie leads a virtual couple intensive for Onsite Workshops in Cumberland Furnace, TN. For more information visit Onsite.
In time for Mother’s Day, we will discover what gets in the way of forgiving our mothers for past hurts. As a group, we will explore ways to come to terms with feelings of resentment from childhood, especially if we did not receive the care we needed. Please join us for our May open psychodrama […]
Valerie will present an experiential workshop at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy Couple Therapy Training Program. The workshop will focus on psychodramatic technique of the warm-up and how to utilize them with couples.
In the spirit of Father’s Day, this workshop explores our primary relationship with our fathers, and how it sets us up for feelings of safety or insecurity in our lives. We will explore ways to re-parent any of our old wounds. Please join us for our June open psychodrama workshop, Father…My First Protector. No previous […]
Valerie will present an experiential workshop at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy Couple's Therapy Training Program. The workshop will focus on psychodramatic techniques of doubling, role reversal and empty chair with couples.
The inner critic comes out in the everyday putdowns—the negative self-talk we use to discourage ourselves. Judgment is the subtlest form of negativity. If you compare yourself to others, you are not only judging the other person, but also yourself. How can we concentrate on bettering ourselves and our lives without judgment and negative self-talk? Please […]
The benefits of focusing on self-care during trying times are powerful. Tuning into your body and taking the time to nourish it properly, is essential to restore or uphold well-being when extra strength during challenging times may be needed. Research suggests that the more we practice self-care, the more confident, creative, and productive we are. We also make better […]
Sometimes we don’t realize that we haven’t appropriately grieved a loss. It could be a death of a loved one, arelationship ending, leaving a job, or even saying goodbye to a phase of life. Please join us for our October psychodrama workshop, Unresolved Grief to explore recovery from loss in creative ways. No previous psychodrama […]
Has your perspective of gratitude shifted during the COVID-19 pandemic? As we continue to navigate the pandemic, it may be particularly challenging to find things to be thankful for or to express gratitude. As Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday season approach, the time comes again to reflect on what we are grateful for. […]
Most of us are looking forward to saying goodbye to 2020. We have navigated a year of unprecedented challenges. Please join us for our December open psychodrama workshop, Reflections on the Year, which will afford us the space to both explore our strengths and coping strategies and grieve our losses as we look ahead to what we […]