Onsite Workshops Intensive
Onsite Workshops 1044 Old Highway 48 N, Cumberland Furnace, TN, United StatesValerie leads an individual intensive at Onsite Workshops in Cumberland Furnace, TN. For more information visit Onsite.
Valerie leads an individual intensive at Onsite Workshops in Cumberland Furnace, TN. For more information visit Onsite.
As we get ready to say goodbye to 2017, join us at our last open workshop of 2017 to review the year. Let us all remember to give the gift of love to ourselves in the midst of the busy holiday season! No previous psychodrama experience is necessary.
Do you find yourself spending too much time texting or tweeting instead of interacting with actual people? In this psychodrama workshop, we’ll work towards achieving a healthy balance with time spent on your smart phone, computer and other devices. No previous psychodrama experience is necessary.
“Love is the absence of judgment” – Dalai Lama. In this psychodrama workshop, we’ll practice strategies to work towards valuing ourselves such as self-compassion and letting go of perfectionism. No previous psychodrama experience is necessary.
Do you work too hard and often forget to have fun? Awaken your authenticity and practice actualizing it. In this psychodrama workshop, we’ll explore various ways to express joy in your life with authenticity. No previous psychodrama experience is necessary.
Valerie leads an individual intensive at Onsite Workshops in Cumberland Furnace, TN. For more information visit Onsite.
Do you use a substance, a person, or another compulsive behavior to numb out or distract yourself from your feelings? In this psychodrama workshop, we’ll practice diverging from an emotional experience and replace medicators with healthy self-care. No previous psychodrama experience is necessary. Please visit the below link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-do-i-self-medicate-tickets-41804095174
Are you recovering from a toxic relationship with a narcissistic person? Whether it is with a parent, romantic partner, or boss, in this psychodrama workshop, we’ll work towards healing from an abusive relationship that may have left you feeling used or taken advantage of. No previous psychodrama experience is necessary. Please visit the below link […]
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the emotions of others or need a lot of time alone to recharge? You may be an empath. Learn to empower your highly sensitive self and use it to your advantage. We’ll practice self-awareness to work towards a healthy emotional balance and embrace the benefits of being an empath. […]
Growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise addicted family, one child often is singled out and unfairly blamed for the problems of the family. In this psychodrama workshop we’ll learn to break free of the negative patterns that still affect us in adulthood. No previous psychodrama experience is necessary. Please visit the below link to […]