Do you ever feel damned if you do or damned if you don’t? According to Oxford dictionary, a double bind is defined as a situation in which a person is confronted with two irreconcilable demands or a choice between two undesirable courses of action. Double-binds may be emotionally distressing and can lead to shame or physical illness in children. However, learning how to break out of a double-bind can empower and motivate you. Please join us for our April open psychodrama workshop, Escaping The Double Bind. No previous psychodrama experience is necessary.
Do you ever feel damned if you do or damned if you don’t? According to Oxford dictionary, a double bind is defined as a situation in which a person is confronted with two irreconcilable demands or a choice between two undesirable courses of action. Double-binds may be emotionally distressing and can lead to shame or physical illness in children. However, learning how to break out of a double-bind can empower and motivate you. Please join us for our April open psychodrama workshop, Escaping The Double Bind. No previous psychodrama experience is necessary.